What is walk and talk therapy?

It’s a form of talking therapy that takes place outdoors while walking. This therapy gives clients the chance to express themselves in a natural environment that’s constantly changing. The same working agreement and contractual relationship apply as with traditional therapy sessions. However, there are a few additional factors to consider, which are explained below. The main focus is still on exploring relationships and issues together in order to discover a resolution or an opportunity for personal growth.It is talking therapy conducted outside whilst walking. It offers clients the opportunity to express themselves in the natural changing outdoors environment. My usual working agreement applies and the relationship is contracted in the same way. There are a few additional points that need to be considered which are covered below. The focus is still on exploring relationships and issues together, to hopefully discover a resolution or an opportunity to develop and change.

Why might I like to try walking therapy as an alternative?

Outdoor walking therapy is a form of talking therapy that takes place outside while walking. It provides a natural and constantly changing environment for clients to express themselves. The same working agreement and contractual relationship apply as with traditional therapy sessions. However, there are a few additional factors to consider, which we will explain below. The main focus remains on exploring relationships and issues together to discover a resolution or an opportunity for personal growth.

How it works?

I prefer meeting with clients in virtually it’s a great way for us to get to know each other and build a good relationship before we consider walking therapy. If the client is interested, we can then start the walking session from an agreed location (NW3, NW6 or centre London) whichever works best for them. The sessions usually last 50 minutes and we can choose a route that suits their needs – it can be circular or involve turning around. We can even stop to sit and reflect during the walk. Initially, I’ll decide the route, but over time, we can choose from a collection of suitable routes together and decide if we want to change things up from week to week.

How walk & talk differs from virtual session?

Confidentiality is the main concern when it comes to outdoor therapy sessions. Although it cannot be guaranteed to the same extent as indoor sessions, I will do my best to ensure confidentiality. We will discuss the possible issues around this topic when we start our session. In case we meet anyone, I will take charge of the situation and handle the communication to ensure that we can continue with our session as soon as possible. We will discuss how to deal with these situations at the beginning of our walking and talking therapy. It is important to note that the therapist and client are responsible for their own safety during the session. I will suggest walks that I have been on before and that seem suitable for our work, but I cannot take responsibility for the location.

Do I need to bring anything?

If you are having a walking and talking therapy session, you will need to wear comfortable shoes and clothing appropriate for the weather. It’s also a good idea to bring water and any other personal items that you may need during the session.

Do I need to be fit?

No, the pace of the session will be determined by the client as much as possible, while the therapist will keep track of the time and ensure that the session ends on time. It’s important to discuss any medical concerns with your GP before attending the session.

What if the weather is bad?

If you’ve agreed to a walking session, the therapist is happy to walk in most weather conditions. If you’re comfortable walking in the current weather, the session will continue as planned. However, if you’re not comfortable with the current weather, an online session can be scheduled. The therapist will only cancel the session if the weather conditions are extremely bad such that it would be necessary to wear hoods or use an umbrella, which may restrict communication during the session, which is very important for the therapy to be effective.

What if I decide it isn’t for me?

It’s important to remember that therapy is a collaborative process, and if you have any issues with the walking sessions, it’s encouraged that you discuss them with the therapist so that both of you can work together to find a solution. Ultimately, the therapy is for your benefit, and if walking sessions are not working for you, the therapist can easily resume the sessions online, whichever is more comfortable for you.

Are the fees the same?

Yes, the fees for the walk & talk therapy sessions would remain the same. Sessions can be cancelled in advance, but if a session is cancelled with less that 24 hours’ notice, I will charge the full fee.


Our work will be confidential, including initial contact that I have with you. In rare circumstances, I may be bound by the ethical code of my professional body (the BACP) to contact your doctor or another healthcare professional. This would only happen if I was concerned about your welfare, and would always be discussed with you first.

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